Tips for Fasting

When you don’t have food in your life, just for a day, it makes you realise you’re lucky to have it the next day.

For those who would like to experience long term fasting I am writing down some tips which would make it easier for you to go through it. Please note these tips are purely based on my personal experience and what helped achieve a three day water fast in a healthy manner.

Benefits of Fasting
  • TIP 1 – Two weeks before planning the fast start reducing processed sugar and carbohydrates from your diet. Focus on hydration with water, eat high protein food, consume enough fats and fibers.
  • TIP 2 – Reduce or try to cut out Alcohol and Nicotine from your daily consumption at least one week before the fast. This helps a lot in achieving mental stability before an extended fasting period. However please remember that cigarettes will not break a fast since there are no calories.
  • TIP 3 – When you plan a fast try not to engage in high amounts of social activities. Being surrounded by people consuming food and alcohol can be distracting. Try to have minimal social contact with a few people which includes walks, low intensity training or a chat in a nice Café.
  • TIP 4 – If it is your first time performing an extended fast then think of using electrolytes in the morning with lots of water. This helps with your body staying hydrated throughout the day. Electrolytes do not break the fast since there are no calories as they are just essential salts.
  • TIP 5 – Plan your days during the fast very well. A day occupied with productive tasks can keep your mind busy enough to not be distracted by hunger. Fun activities like reading a book, going for a long walk while listening to a podcast, light training including stretching or even low stress work can all help boost dopamine and eliminate desire for food.
  • TIP 6 – Try to incorporate the weekend into your fasting period. This helps specially when working in a high stress job. For example fasting from Friday to Sunday or Saturday to Monday. People are more likely to overeat when there is high cortisol in response to a stressful situation.
  • TIP 7 – If possible then start practicing Intermittent Fasting a few weeks before an extended water fast. This really helps to keep your appetite in control and getting used to feeling of hunger. Ideally a 16-8 intermittent fasting period is a good start which means you should eat only during the 8 hour window everyday.

The most important part of enjoying an extended fast is to convince your mind it is an act of internal cleanup. You should look forward to it rather than overthink or be stressed about it.

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