Team event in Cologne
Our company had a team event in Cologne on 17th and 18th of May. It was long due and everyone was looking forward to it. We took the train on 17th morning from Berlin Hauptbahnhof. Was a fun ride with excited colleagues. It took around five hours to reach.
After arriving we went straight to the production facility in Frechen. Lunch and coffee was ready for us. We interacted with our colleagues working there. Next on agenda was touring the facility. It is enormous with the area split by stock area, print area and dark rooms.
After an hour of touring we had a product development workshop. We went through the process of creating our own wall art. Some good learnings about what we actually sell to our customers. We also got our own creation as a gift from the company.

Next up was barbeque dinner and drinks. It was setup in the facility garden. Was very well organized and food was delicious. Everyone had a great time socializing. After three hours and many beers down we got in the bus to go to our hotel. After checking in some of us went to a bar for last round of drinks. Eventually we got back to our rooms after couple of hours and passed out.
Next day was early breakfast in hotel. After that we had a boat trip on Rhein river. It was three hour long with tour guide providing details about the city. Luckily the weather was pleasent and the fresh air breeze kept us awake. Finally the cruise came to an end and it was time to head back to Berlin.

We headed to Cologne Hauptbahnhof. Everyone was tired and slept on the way back. After five hours everyone headed back home. It was a great experience. I am a big fan of team events. Colleagues get to know each other which helps professional relationship as well. After all we spend fourty hours a week together.